Thursday, January 26, 2012

Going Down!!!

So apparently if you use the shakes the way they are intended they really work.....who woulda thunk??  As of this morning I am now at 137.8!!!  Super excited.  I have been doing the ViSalus shakes morning and night for my meals and LOVE it. 

I would like to welcome all of the new people that started the 90 Day Challenge in January to our team.  I have already talked to a few and they are having great results with the products.  I am excited to hear from each and every one of you.  

Starting to run a little more, just in time for my 12 weeks of training to start for the May 1/2 marathon.  Last night I squeeked out 4.35 and it felt really good.  I am giving the credit to the ViPack vitamins.  

My new favorite shake in the morning is mixed berries as a smoothie.  I bought a bunch of fresh fruit.....strawberries, red respberries, blueberries and bananas.  I cut all of them and put in ziplocs and froze them.  Instead of using ice I use the frozen fresh fruit, water and my ViShake and it is wonderful.  

I feel like I need to come down a few more to make a difference (to me) in my jeans.  I think I expect to put them on someday and voila they are a lot smaller.  

For now I am inching down a little each day and am excited to see how the end of January ends up.

Have a great weekend!!


Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Well I have waited patiently and finally it happened today........drum roll please..........138.8!!!  Yup jumped on the scale this morning and I was finally looking at a number that started with 13 instead of 14.  Now I just need to keep on my shakes and keep it there and move it down!!!

I had a great 90 Day Challenge Party last night, thanks to Jen for hosting.  She now will get her challenge kit for FREE starting next month.  Congrats Jen!!  Oh and she will continue to get it FREE going forward, only S & H woman!!!  Super excited for her.  She is seeing the results and sharing them with friends and family!!!

Workout planned for tomorrow night.....Elyssa and maybe's been a couple days ladies I am up for a good one.

OHHHHHH, I almost forgot!!! NO fries this weekend at Lonestar.  I finally had a whole weekend and didn't eat any fries, that is huge for me.  I had a few croutons but I will slowly cut those out as well!!

Well I am off to have my dinner shake and tonights yummy treat is going to be.....Mint Chocolate!!

Have a great night!


Thursday, January 5, 2012

M & M's

Well apparently the m & m's are winning!!  I cant seem to stop from having a handful or 2 every night!!  I did wake up this morning though right at 140!!! Super excited.  Starting with my Vi Shake and going from there.  Had a great run last night with my Blendy!! 

Have a workout set for tomorrow morning with Kelly, super excited!!!  My goal for this weekend is to take my own snacks to Lonestar and not munch on croutons, fries and rolls!!!  It kills my weekends and I dont end up losing.  I will keep you posted.  Have a great day everyone!!!


Tuesday, January 3, 2012

1St Post!!

Well I wanted to creat a blog for anyone who is interested in following so here it is. 

As you may or may not know I started ViSalus October 17th.  I was able to get through Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years and lose 5 lbs.  I am currently (as of this morning) at 141.2 and my goal is 128-132 and I will achieve that using the ViSalus products.  I feel better and am losing weight, 2 of the things on my 2012 "To Do" list!! 

Stay tuned for updates on just about anything.  I will keep you posted on my progress, my weight, my food and workouts!!  I don't have time for all of it but will try my best!! 

If you have questions always ask.
